Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Can pulled hamstring cause back injury?

photo nameYou often hear about athletes who are unable to practice their sport due to a pulled hamstring. Indeed, a pulled hamstring is one of the most common muscle pull or muscle injury. Hamstrings are a group of three muscles that help to stretch your legs at the hip and flex the knee. A pulled hamstring is a strain or tear in the muscles or tendons.

The best way to prevent a hamstring injury is having a warm up before activity and stretch after the activity. Weak hamstrings or tight can contribute to back pain, doing exercises to strengthen and stretch the hamstrings may also reduce your risk of back pain. Make sure you do all the training exercises in the form of opposing muscles. For example if you work the quadriceps also be sure to work the hamstrings. The best exercise to isolate these muscle groups would be the leg press and the work of the quadriceps and hamstrings, respectively. If you feel your hamstring gives you the muscle imbalance be sure to work a little harder by adding an extra set or more weight in your training.

A good stretch is to sit down and straighten your left leg. The sole of your right foot should rest next to the inside of the leg straightened. Lean slightly forward and touch your foot with your fingers. Keep your left foot upright with the ankle and toes relaxed. Hold for 30 seconds, then repeat with the right leg.

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